Sunday, June 5, 2011


elements are essential...
blood, sweat, tears, and dreams are even more vital...
like a wind that pushes me upward...
cheers me up keeping my focus on pushing forward...

my life has been like that and this...
met kinds of people by chance and express gratitude in bliss...
all featured help me grew in one way or another...
made me a better person and still keeps me going stronger...

whenever affairs seem to be in a rift...
i feel their care, they act in a swift...
if am weary and tired out...
effort they do just to bring humor until i burst out...

at times i encounter mishaps...
they're still nearby even though i have my hang ups...
a blessing to all they bump into during adventures, reunions and parties...
a teacher as they support me and reciprocate i practice... 

we have our differences...
we respect each other nevertheless...
i am proud i have you guys as a family, a friend, or a guide...
 i thank you more than ever, i love you, and will shout it with pride...

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