Friday, June 10, 2011


The Thrones are assigned to planets. They create, channel, and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. Their name comes from the idea that the power of divinity rests upon their shoulders. Justice and its dispensation are important to them and they will shine their light on injustices, and send healing energy to any victim. Thrones take great interest in what humans are doing, though they normally channel energies through your guardian angel. Look to the Thrones for assistance in smoothing relations with groups of people, nations, or individuals.

"The guardian angels of life fly so high as to be beyond our sight, but they are always looking down upon us.  ~Jean Paul Richter"

Now, the first sphere. The Ophanim. The third Order or Choir in the Hierarchy of Angels. As I look for more references regarding angels, I began to understand that not all angels have human-like images. One of those are the Thrones or Ophanim. Even if they seem to have a different appearance from the previous posts, Ophanim wouldn't be at the first sphere for nothing. They are the keeper of justice. Ophanim exemplify fairness, impariality, even-handedness, honesty, and integrity, thus earning the Angels of Justice label. Ophanim denote the motion of the cosmos, as well as their characteristics and distinctions. With the wisdom from God and knowledge from the Ophanim, I strongly believe even more than before, that, all is well.

The Ophanim (Heb. owphan: Wheels, also known as Thrones, Erelim, from the vision of Daniel 7:9) are unusual looking even compared to the other celestial beings; They appear as a beryl-coloured wheel-within-a-wheel, their rims covered with hundreds of eyes. They sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.

They are living symbols of God's justice and authority, and have as one of their symbols the throne. They were considered Angels of Justice as they were said to carry out God's decisions. These Angels were often believed to be deployed like charioteers around the Throne of God. The Thrones are the closest of all Angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with mirror-like goodness.

They are closely connected with the Cherubim: "When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the Wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures [Cherubim] was in the Wheels." Ezekiel 10:17 NRSV. In Esoteric Christianity they are called Lords of Flame.

According to the Theosophical Society, California, the "Wheels" seen by Ezekiel, and by John in Revelation, meaning world-spheres; also used in the Sepher Yetsirah (book of creation). The Ophanim signify the turning or revolving celestial bodies, especially the planets, with a constant eye upon the indwelling angelic hosts which give to the celestial bodies their respective individualities, their characteristic energies and substances, and which produce and control their various cyclical movements in both space and time.

These high celestial beings appear to be mentioned again in Revelation 11:16.

Despite their greatness, the Ophanim are intensely humble, an attribute that allows them to dispense justice with perfect objectivity and without fear of pride or ambition.

CI = Citation                                                                        PA = Personal Analysis  

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