Monday, July 4, 2011


Since mythology is somewhat broad and have many characters, i will be posting two gods per post.

"But, strictly speaking, this mythology was no essential part of ancient religion, for it had no sacred sanction and no binding force on the worshippers. - William Robertson Smith”

Uranus was born either of Chaos or the goddess Gaea, depending on what ancient text you decide to consult. Known as Father Sky, he was the father of all but Gaea (the Earth mother), Pontus (god of the sea), and Ourea (god of the mountains),  and in tragic Greek fashion, he was a tyrannical father capable of unspeakable acts.

Gaea was Uranus’s only love, and it is said that he came every night to cover the Earth and mate with her. While he loved Gaea, he had nothing but scorn for the children she bore him: six sons and six daughters (known as the Titans), three one-hundred-armed giants knows as the Hecatonchires, and the one-eyed giants known as the Cyclopes.

The youngest of Gaea’s children would feel Uranus’s wrath when he imprisoned them in Tartarus, an abysmal pit of despair in the underworld. Angered by the mistreatment of her loved ones, Gaea made a great flint-bladed sickle and asked her sons to castrate their father. Cronus, the bravest of the children, did as his mother asked and threw his father’s testicles into the sea. The blood that fell to the Earth spawned the Giants, and Aphrodite was formed from what fell into the sea.

This would signify the end of Uranus’s reign and would usher in an age where Cronus would rule.

Uranus is the sky god and first ruler. He is the son of Gaea, who created him without help. He then became the husband of Gaea and together they had many offspring, including twelve of the Titans.

His rule ended when when Cronus, encouraged by Gaea, castrated him. He either died from the wound or withdrew from earth.
NOTE: the topics that are being posted depends on the source that i may have browsed. details may vary from other sources... 

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