Thursday, June 30, 2011


“A doppelganger is the ghostly or in some cases, a physical double of a living person. The word doppelganger is a loanword from German, written there (as any noun) with an initial capital letter Doppelgänger, composed from doppel, meaning "double", and gänger, as "walker". In English, the word is conventionally not capitalized, and it is also common to drop the German diacritic umlaut on the letter "a" and write "doppelganger", although the correct spelling without umlaut would be "doppelgaenger".

The term has, in the vernacular, come to refer to any double or look-alike of a person, most commonly in reference to a so-called evil twin, or to bilocation. Alternatively, the word is used to describe a phenomenon where you catch your own image out of the corner of your eye. In some traditions, seeing one's own doppelgänger is an omen of death. A doppelgänger seen by friends or relatives of a person may sometimes bring bad luck, or indicate an approaching illness or health problem.

The doppelgängers of folklore cast no shadow, and have no reflection in a mirror or in water. They are supposed to provide advice to the person they shadow, but this advice can be misleading or malicious. They can also, in rare instances, plant ideas in their victim's mind or appear before friends and relatives, causing confusion. In many cases once someone has viewed his own doppelgänger he is doomed to be haunted by images of his ghostly counter-part. Other folklore says that when a person's dopplegänger is seen, the person him/herself will die shortly. It is considered unlucky to try to communicate with such a doppleganger.

Doppelgängers appear in a variety of science fiction and fantasy works, in which they are a type of shapeshifter that mimics a particular person or species for some typically nefarious reason.
A temporal doppelgänger is any version of oneself one may meet during time travel. It is an exact likeness of one at a specific time in one's history (or future). Meetings with oneself may occur when one version of oneself travels backwards through the timestream and encounters a younger version of oneself, or when two or more of the same person from different timestreams travel to the same moment in their futures.” 

personally i have never experienced meeting up with a doppelganger, as far as i know (creeps). but my friend did have one... so why am i discussing other's experience in my blog, specifically the doppelganger? it's simple, because a friend of mine had an experience with a doppelganger OF MINE. the story goes like this...

i used to work as a key account manager, and needs to do meetings a lot. i have a client that turned out to be a friend. oftentimes we meet and talked about proposals and so on. then one evening, i had received a text message coming from him saying,

"bakit mo ko kinawayan at pinapalapit tapos bigla ka mawawala pagkatapos kong sumunod?"
 (why gave me a sign to follow you then just disappear after i did?)

i replied,

"ha? e, nasan ka ba kasi? anong meron?"
(huh? where are you by the way? what's up?) - Andrea Isabel Rubio's translation
   (huh? where are you by the way? what's the commotion all about?) - Alpong Alfonso's translation

anyways, my friend said that he was in Glorietta area, and he noticed the allegedly me, waving my allegedly hand to him, and asking him to follow the allegedly me. (whew, this one's very much allegedly stressed... hahahaha). the allegedly i took a right turn, then just vanished, as he stated. i cleared my side that i wasn't in that area during that time, because i was at home already, playing my laptop and having dinner with tatay. he even said that he was certain with my clothes, and described it accordingly, whoa, it's the same shirt i was wearing that time at home.

i just said to him that it's not me, and luckily he didn't follow my doppelganger. it might cause us trouble though. as a proof that i am at home, i used our landline number to contact his mobile phone. novaliches is very far from makati (more than 10 kilometers) and is very impossible for me to switch places instantly.

1 comment:

  1. Dagdag ko lang, if you ever encounter a procession coming out from nowhere, never follow the procession as the final destination of it is the afterlife. Sometimes doppelgangers will appear in such a procession for no clear reason.

    (kwento sa'kin nung isang matanda na nakituloy kami during a 2-day seminar dati sa Marilao, Bulacan)
    Note: She said "minsan makakakita ka ng kamukha mo".
