There is a Hierarchy within the Angelic Realm just as there is within the rest of the universe. The Angel community is the perfect example of this hierarchal order and structure.
The Kingdom is divided into 3 Hierarchies and 9 Choirs. Each section of the community has its own purpose and energy.
Below is the Hierarchal organization of Angels from the comparative study of the Old Testament and New Testament passages, including their etymology (history of the words) and semantics, several theological works (which contain variations) and esoteric Christian teachings.
Hierarchy of Angels Old and New Testament
The First Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Counselors - (Old Testament sources)
Ophanim (Thrones/Wheels)
The Second Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Governors - (New Testament sources)
Thrones (Greek language - thronos)
Dominions(Greek language - kuriotes)
Principalities (Greek language - arche)
The Third Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Messengers
Powers (Greek language - exousia)
Below is the hierarchal organization of Angels are according to Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the Fourth or Fifth century, in his book "The Celestial Hierarchy" and is considered the standard in the Western World.
Hierarchy of Angels Dionysius the Areopagite
The First Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Counselors - (Old Testament sources)
The Second Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Governors - (New Testament sources)
The Third Hierarchal Sphere - Heavenly Messengers
The superior type Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are entities contemplating respectively the goodness, essence, form, and wisdom of God.
In the middle exist Dominions, Virtues and Powers as beings governing the world. The firsts command that which the others execute; the seconds minister to the heavens and sometimes assist miracles; the thirds remove what can disturb the divine law.
In the inferior hierarchy stay the Principalities, Archangels and Angels ministering spirits who descend to take care of inferior topics. The firsts of these conduct public issues, princes, magistrates, provinces, kingdoms; every nation has a ruling angel designated. The seconds comply sacred duties and direct the divine worship about every man; present the prayers and sacrifices of men in front of the gods. The thirds control every smaller affair; to each thing there is a preserver and providing vitality to plants, stones and to all inferior things; like ministers, mediate many common issues between God and the man.
In the middle exist Dominions, Virtues and Powers as beings governing the world. The firsts command that which the others execute; the seconds minister to the heavens and sometimes assist miracles; the thirds remove what can disturb the divine law.
In the inferior hierarchy stay the Principalities, Archangels and Angels ministering spirits who descend to take care of inferior topics. The firsts of these conduct public issues, princes, magistrates, provinces, kingdoms; every nation has a ruling angel designated. The seconds comply sacred duties and direct the divine worship about every man; present the prayers and sacrifices of men in front of the gods. The thirds control every smaller affair; to each thing there is a preserver and providing vitality to plants, stones and to all inferior things; like ministers, mediate many common issues between God and the man.
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