Thursday, August 4, 2011



mr wiki says...
"The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the nature of the reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist is temporary and will come to an end. The future and the concept eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds.It is the opposite of the past, and is the time after the present. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity the future is considered to be absolute future or the future light cone. In physics, time is considered to be the fourth dimension of the universe.

In the philosophy of time, presentism is the belief that only the present exists and the future and the past are unreal. Religions consider the future when they address issues such as karma, life after death, and eschatologies that study what the end of time and the end of the world will be. Religious figures have claimed to see into the future, such as prophets and diviners. Organized efforts to predict or forecast the future may have derived from observations by early man of heavenly objects.

Future studies, or futurology, is the science, art and practice of postulating possible futures. Modern practitioners stress the importance of alternative and plural futures, rather than one monolithic future, and the limitations of prediction and probability, versus the creation of possible and preferable futures.

In art and culture, the future was explored in several art movements and genres. The futurism art movement at the beginning of the 20th century explored every medium of art, including painting, sculpture, poetry, theatre, music, architecture and even gastronomy. Futurists had passionate loathing of ideas from the past, especially political and artistic traditions. Instead, they espoused a love of speed, technology, and violence. Futuristic music involved homage to, inclusion of, or imitation of machines. Futurism expanded to encompass other artistic domains and ultimately included industrial design, textiles, and architecture."

for me the future:

1.       is an assemblage of wishes, wants and needs of the past and present reality.
2.       is an element of time in which we fantasize and visualize of those listed on the top.
3.       is an observatory where we can draw out something or literally make a loan out of nothing since we are not yet present in the upcoming instance.

the present has its own properties as well, some of which are my observations and are included but not limited to the following:

1.       contains all the information both present and absent in the current and earlier period.
2.       always available for everyone through waiting only that the main difference is that we, ourselves at current consciousness, are not in that instant.
3.       has its own successions but susceptible to change upon making out a choice.
4.       can be used as a tool to make DREAMING/GIVING ASSUMPTIONS and/or PRESUMPTIONS possible.

the future is a very rich state of mind. all information will come to pass, whichever event comes first determines its relativity from the current situation, and its rule of the thumb – “regardless an individual is ready or not”. it’s consistent characteristic makes it even more unique – variability. by the way, since it’s variable as always, everyone can program it otherwise it will choose its own path based on other circumstances at random. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



as per mr wikipedia.... (again)

"The present (or now) is the time that is associated with the events perceived directly and in the first time, not as a recollection (perceived more than once) or a speculation (predicted, hypothesis, uncertain). It is a period of time between the past and the future, and can vary in meaning from being an instant to a day or longer. In radiocarbon dating, the "present" is defined as AD 1950.

It is sometimes represented as a hyperplane in space-time, typically called "now", although modern physics demonstrates that such a hyperplane can not be defined uniquely for observers in relative motion. The present may also be viewed as a duration ."

for me present:

1.       is a never ending reality, a sequence of nows. only two instances are relative to the word present, that of a past and of a future. when a recent now is compared to an earlier now it creates a difference then we tag it as past. another is when an instance that is expected/assumed to happen is contrasted with the current instance and is labelled as future.
2.       is an element of time in which we make decisions and apply things we have learned and arranged that will take effect on the upcoming now. 
3.       is an observatory where we can do “hands on” things about aspects of life, the current action will trigger and will be the basis of a certain objective will manifest or not.

the present has its own properties as well, some of which are my observations and are included but not limited to the following:

1.       can be maintained but not altered as every instance of every different now carries a different information. you can still replicate the same info on other instances but not on the same now, thus resulting into two or more same information but located in a different timeline making them different.
2.       can be accessed through remembering and recreating it by imagination or doing it again, thus making a nested now (a now within a now). also, as per dimensions, there are different levels of reality which means every instances of a single now is composed of further more nows.
3.       has its own successions and leads to seeing options.
4.       can be used as a tool to give way to the word “CHOICE” (to eat or not to eat, to make or not to make, to live or not to live, etc.).

present offers different from the past and from the future but still encompasses them both. the present is a mutable time frame but not excluded with the rule of lapsing. what present offers the most unique is the choice of hastening or slowing down the approaching of another point in time. just make sure you use your present wisely.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



 as per mr wikipedia....

"most generally, the past is a term used to indicate the totality of events which occurred before a given point in time. The past is contrasted with and defined by the present and the future. The concept of the past is derived from the linear fashion in which human observers experience time, and is accessed through memory and recollection. In addition, human beings have recorded the past since the advent of written language." - wiki

yes, past... for me past: 

1.       is simply a recorded reality, a history.
2.       is an element of time in which we can make use of it as tool to hone ourselves better. we can utilize it as to observe ourselves and others.
3.       Is an observatory where we can study aspects of life, the repercussions of our previous actions prior to results that led into a recent past. 

the past has its own properties as well, some of which are my observations and are included but not limited to the following:

1.       cannot be edited but can be use to correct future incidents through application of change in process of the current circumstances.
2.       has lots of lessons which can be used to improve oneself if one pursues to get better.
3.       has its own successions and stored emotions which has been encrypted and is dependent on that certain period instance of time
4.       can be used as a tool to dodge or treat similar or close to similar current or upcoming events.

the past can be both a friend and a enemy. it can help you to be positive as well as to be negative. it can also be a safe(vault) for memories to be treasured or a prison that might lock you up in your frustrations and will drag you down.